The full texts of select publications by Shnayer Leiman are made available to the interested reader under this rubric. The publications are arranged by title, in the order of their appearance in print. Click on the title in order to retrieve the text.
For a full bibliography of publications, please visit the Bibliography page.
25. The Karen Ann Quinlan Case: A Jewish Perspective
31. Inspiration and Canonicity: Reflections on the Formation of the Biblical Canon
32. פירוש הגאון רבי יהונתן אייבשיץ לקצת אגדות ממסכת ברכות
33. Hazon Ish on Textual Criticism and Halakhah – A Rejoinder
35. Symposium on the State of Orthodoxy
37. The Scroll of Fasts: The Ninth of Tebeth
38. Therapeutic Homicide: A Philosophic and Halakhic Critique of Harris’ ‘Survival Lottery’
41. The Baal Teshuvah and the Emden-Eibeschuetz Controversy
Judaic Studies 1(1985), ppp. 3-26
42. R. Israel Lipschutz and the Portrait of Moses Controversy
48. Rabbi Abraham Isaac Ha-Kohen Kook: Letter on Ahavat Yisrael
49. Josephus and the Canon of the Bible
51. R. Moses Schick: The Hatam Sofer’s Attitude toward Mendelssohn’s Biur
53. Montague Lawrence Marks: In a Jewish Bookstore
55. Mrs. Jonathan Eibeschuetz Epitaph: A Grave Matter Indeed
57. Rabbi Leopold Greenwald: Tish’ah be-av at the University of Leipzig
60. Esther Hildesheimer Calvary: The Hildesheimers in Eisenstadt
61. Rabbi David Friedman of Karlin: The Ban on Secular Study in Jerusalem
62. Rabbi Jacob Horowitz on the Study of Scripture
63. Dwarfs on the Shoulders of Giants
66. Rabbi Abraham Isaac Ha-Kohen Kook: Invocation at the Inauguration Of the Hebrew University
71. ספרים החשודים בשבתאות: רשימתו של הגאון יעב״ץ זצ״ל
77. Masorah and Halakhah: A Study in Conflict
88. Rabbi Jonathan Eibeschuetz’s Attitude Towards the Frankists
89. The Wisdom of R. Hayyim of Volozhin
92. ואת כל אשר אצוה אותך: Was Rashi’s Torah Scroll Flawed?
Judaic Studies 2(2003-4), pp. 3-22
94. Rabbi Jonathan Eibeschuetz and the Porger
Judaic Studies 4(2004), pp. 3-29
97. הסכמות רבי יהונתן אייבשיץ ורבי יעקב עמדין
99. New Evidence on the Emden-Eibeschuetz Controversy: The Amulets from Metz
103. R. Raphael of Bershad’s Commitment to Truth
104. The New Encyclopaedia Judaica: Some Preliminary Observations
Published on The Seforim Blog.
105. Rabbinic Responses to Modernity
Judaic Studies 5(2007), pp. 1-122
106. Rabbi Yehiel Yaakov Weinberg: In Praise of Esther Rubinstein
110. Three Lists of Students Studying at the Volozhin Yeshiva in 1879
111. Judith Ish-Kishor: This Too Shall Pass
117. “Benzion Katz: Mrs. Baba Bathra,” in Tradition 42:4 (2009), pp. 51-57.
119. The Letter of the Maharal on the Creation of the Golem: A Modern Forgery
Published on The Seforim Blog.
123. “Rabbi Ezekiel Landau: Letter of Reconciliation,” in Tradition 43:4 (2010), pp. 85-96.
124. אגרת שלומים לרבי יחזקאל לנדא
125. מקורות הרבניים של האלפבית הלטיני
126. Rabbi Jonathan Eibeschuetz and the Alleged Jewish-Christian Sect in Eighteenth Century Amsterdam
127. Who is Buried in the Vilna Gaon’s Tomb? A Contribution Toward the Identification of the Authentic Grave of the Vilna Gaon
Published on The Seforim Blog.
129. Faigel dem Rov’s
130. A Mild Case of Plagiarism: R. Abraham Kalmankes’ Ma’ayan Ha-Hokhmah
Published on The Seforim Blog.
132. A Picture and its One Thousand Words: The Old Jewish Cemetery of Vilna Revisited
Published on The Seforim Blog.
136. The Adventure of the Two Rabbis Who Looked Almost Exactly Alike: A Study in Jewish Iconography
139. Reminiscences of Far Rockaway and the White Shul: 1951-1961
140. The Alleged Blindness of R. Jacob Joshua Falk During the Emden-Eibeschuetz Controversy
Published on The Seforim Blog.
142. The Claim of the Boethusians: A Note on the Plain Sense of M. Menahot 10:3
149. Bookstamp of R. Shlomo Heiman
150. Bookstamp of Rev. Samuel Widom