1-076 – R. Joshua b. Hananiah (2nd century), Israel, 1979. |
3- 077 – R. Johanan Ha-Sandelar (2nd century), Israel, 1979. |
5- 239 – Rashi (d.1105), LS, 1940. |
9- 001 – Rashi(d.1105), FDC, France 2005.
11- 030 – Benjamin of Tudela (d. circa end of 12th century), LS, Spain, 1960.
13- 009 – Rambam (d. 1204), LS, 1935.
15- 017 – Rambam (d. 1204), Israel, 1953.
17a- 016 – Rambam (d. 1204), Spain, 1984.
18- 014 – Rambam (d. 1204), Antigua and Barbuda, 1985.
20- 013 – Rambam (d. 1204), Dominica, 1985.
2- 078 –R. Meir Ba’al Ha-Nes (2nd century; the stamp assumes this is the Tanna R. Meir), Israel, 1979. |
4- 054 –
R. Isaac Alfasi (d. 1103), LS, USA, first half 20th century. |
6- 003 – Rashi’s (d. 1105) Synagogue at Worms, JNF, 1943. |
8- 004b – Rashi (d. 1105), FDC, Israel, 1989.
10- 002 – Rashi (d. 1105), France, 2005.
12- 031 – Benjamin of Tudela (d. circa end of 12th century), LS, Spain. 1960.
14- 010 – Rambam (d. 1204), LS, 1935.
16- 021 – Rambam (d. 1204), Grenada, 1970.
17b- 007 – Rambam (d. 1204), SS, Antigua and Barbuda, 1985.
19- 008 – Rambam (d. 1204), SS only, Bolivia, 1985.