41- 257 – Rambam (d. 1204), Mozambique, 2009.
43- 057 – R. Jacob b. Asher (d. 1340), LS, USA, first half 20th century.
45- 35 – Don Isaac Abarbanel (d. 1508), Grenada, 1992.
47- 036b – R. Abraham Zacuto (d. 1515), Sierra Leone, 1992.
49- 053 – R. Moses Isserles (d. 1572), LS, USA, first half 20th century.

51- 244 – R. Isaac Luria (d. 1572), FDC, Israel, 1972
(from the Akiva Leiman collection.)
53- 042 – R. Joseph Caro (d. 1575), JNF, 1966.

55- 255 – R. Joseph Caro (d. 1575), FDC, Israel, 1967.

57- 052 –
R. Judah Loew b. Bezalel [Maharal of Prague] (d. 1609), FDC, Israel, 1997. |

59- 041 – R. Judah Loew b. Bezalel [Maharal of Prague] (d. 1609), 2 stamps, FDC, Czech Republic, 2009.
42- 033 – R. Moses de Leon (d. 1305), Antigua and Barbuda, 2000.
44- 034 – R. Levi b. Gershom [Ralbag; Gersonides] (d. 1344), Israel, 2009.
46- 036a– Don Isaac Abarbanel (d. 1508), Sierra Leone, 1992.
48- 037 – R. Abraham Zacuto (d. 1515), FDC only, USA, 1992.
50- 046 – R. Isaac Luria (d. 1572), Israel, 1972.
52- 058 – R. Joseph Caro (d. 1575), LS, USA, first half of the 20th century.
54- 044 – R. Joseph Caro (d. 1575), JNF, 1966.
56- 039 – R. Judah Loew b. Bezalel [Maharal of Prague] (d. 1609), FDC, Czech Republic, 1997.

58- 040 – R. Judah Loew b. Bezalel [Maharal of Prague] (d. 1609), FDC, Czech Republic, 2009.
60- 048 – R. David Gans (d. 1613), Czech Republic, 1997.
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